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Viernes 29/01/2010, 00:26:47
1136 Posts - 0 Puntos
Stranger: hello

You: Hi How are you

Stranger: superb you?

You: Im from zanguonga
Im fine

Stranger: what is zanguonga

You: It a little place independent from Argentina....We call it "The Bitter place on earth"

Stranger: i dont think that place is on earth

Stranger: i think your from a different galaxy

You: Nanu Nanu

Stranger: oh right next to nani nani?

You: do you know that? Im afraid i have to kill you now

Stranger: too late i have a nuke set up on your planet attatched to a heartbeat sensor like on lost so if i die it blows up

You: Wow you are wrost than me....I think we should be partners in world domination...You can keep Zanguonga

Stranger: nobody wants zanmonkey

You: Nobody wants racing club...

Stranger: actually ill keep it and use it as the dump and septic tank for my empire

Stranger: racing you like bocas or something

You: That would be great for tourism....Zanguonga "The Second England"

You: Racing club is a little business

You: You can get all in there...from Pet rock to Anal lubrication....its great

Stranger: oh i thought it was soccer

You: No...well...they are owners of a little soccer team where their employees play

Stranger: so you live in argentina

You: No I live in Zanguonga that is right next Argentina

Stranger: doesnt exist?

You: Racing club? well its almost the same thing....Exist or not its almost the same for that Business and their little soccer team

Stranger: so zanguonga is part of argentina and you pretend your not?

You: I really admire them for have disabled people in their team

You: Zanguonga is in Argentina yes...for now...soon we gonna attack Argentina

Stranger: how do you think that will turn out for you guys?

You: Maybe some people die but Zanguonga dream is more important

Stranger: ive always suggested the united states attack delaware...theyll never see it coming

You: Yes and when we get that we can put a Nuke in Paris...I hate them

Stranger: can we send in a spec ops mission to save all the bagettes first?

You: Yes Baguette is really important in the new world order

Stranger: they need to be liberated from the tyanny of those nancy boys

You: Yes but i prefer to call them Expandable lives

You: Like Racing players

Stranger: except for thierry henry he can be saved as well

You: Of course...Henry is gonna be our propaganda minister

Stranger: yea if he can get away with that handball he can pull anything off

You: Yes....but you see I wanna be the new world leader...I cant take risk with Henry so im afraid I will have to cut his hands....

Stranger: gosh you rule with an iron fist huh

You: should see Sebak

You: He is our LT colonel

Stranger: im scared already

You: Once he kill a man 5 times before he touch the ground

You: He is like "Promedio" for racing

You: Very Danger

Stranger: i once sneezed 5 times in a row

Stranger: so argentina must really be shitting on you guys if youve built up this much anger

You: Of course...we gonna make argentinians our slaves...specially their fine president...what an rock....gluteus maximus

Stranger: i gotta go

Stranger: best of luck with your struggles for domination

You: I get it....abandonas como racing

You: Thanks man

Stranger: a parting word of wisdom...dont trust those damn bolivians

You: se viene el necesito eso en mi utopico imperio

You: Ok

You: You are like Rodrigo Roman...

You: He is a terrorist from argentina

Stranger: i dont know who that is but goodbye

Stranger: oh

Your conversational partner has disconnected.