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Viernes 29/01/2010, 22:14:39
5532 Posts - 463 Puntos
me re bardio el loquito :(

PD: esto no va a quedar asi, ya lo voy a encontrar paranoid

Jajaja anda a encontrarlo, se ve que es la hora de los adolescentes drogados jajaja mira...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi

You: i love the alien

Stranger: cookie

Stranger: monsta

You: you love the aliens?

Stranger: which one in particular?

You: yes

You: Hernan Fredes

Stranger: optimus prime?

You: and Consigliere

You: they are BIG

You: yes

You: Optimus prime is cool

Stranger: consigliere don't know shit about the music

You: now

You: consigliere is a yeta

You: of the foro INFIERNOROJO.COm

Stranger: hands off the cookie jar

You: Why?

Stranger: you ginger cunt!

You: I eat all cookies

You: puto

You: shut the fuck up

Stranger: my name

Stranger: is

Stranger: optimus prime

You: my name is ALF

You: I eat cats

You: You like the cats?

Stranger: you like turtles?

You: ohh yes

You: las tortugas nijas

You: ninjas

You: you know the turtles ninjas?

You: eu paforme responde

Your conversational partner has disconnected.