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Sábado 30/01/2010, 18:18:08
2652 Posts - 0 Puntos
acabo de encontrar a un lo puedo creer..

esta fue muy limada

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: whoops
Stranger: my shirt fell off
You: and are you male or female??
Stranger: I am a beatle
You: really??
You: paul??
You: is that you?
Stranger: OMG
Stranger: frankie?!
Stranger: frankie sanchez?!!!
You: that's me
Stranger: its been god, how long?
You: pfff years dude
You: years
Stranger: damn
Stranger: hows it going
Stranger: hows your wife?
You: sadly, she is dead
Stranger: and I heard you had a few grubs
Stranger: oh
You: didn't see the bus coming
You: a tragedy
You: but tell me about you
Stranger: I just got outta yoga
You: sounds good
You: relax bro, just relax
You: that's all we need
Your conversational partner has disconnected.