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Viernes 29/01/2010, 02:27:58
585 Posts - 291 Puntos
Age, Sex, Location.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey

You: ...

You: I hate life

Stranger: are you a guy?

Stranger: that sucks.

Stranger: why/

Stranger: why?

You: Because nobody loves me

Stranger: i'm sure someone does

You: I hace a knife

You: *have

You: Please

Stranger: don't

You: Tell me a reason to live

Stranger: how old are you?

Stranger: things will get better

You: 25

Stranger: I promise.

You: I want a stranger to gives me only one reason

Stranger: can i hear a little bit about you first?

You: I'm cutting my legs

Stranger: please don't

You: I'm an orphan

You: My parents drop me when i was a baby

You: Nobody loves me

You: I need a reason

Stranger: were you adopted?

You: No

You: I live in an orphan's house

You: Nobody wants to adopt me

You: I'm cutting my toes... really hurt

Stranger: it's okay

Stranger: are you a guy or a girl?

You: Girl

You: ugly girl

Stranger: i'm a girl too

You: I can see my own blood in my feet

Stranger: can you tell me why you are feeling this way please?

You: It's hot

Stranger: your blood is hot?

You: I've never kissed a boy

You: Yes

You: Hot blood

Stranger: i've never kissed a boy either

You: Shiny blood

Stranger: that's not a problem

You: I'm playing with my neck

You: Knife and neck

Stranger: then one thing you need to live for is to kiss a guy

Stranger: please don't

You: No

You: Nobody loves me

You: I'm ugly

Stranger: you're making me nervous. I barely know you but I still care about you

You: I'M UGLY!!!!!

Stranger: Listen, i'm not going to shove this down your throat

Stranger: but I know one person that loves you

You: People laughs of me

Stranger: and he'll always love you

Stranger: no matter what you look like or feel like

Stranger: he loves you no matter what you do.

Stranger: i have people that laugh at me too

You: Not all your life

You: It feels really bad

Stranger: but i shrug it off. You can't let people get at you like that

Stranger: but do you know who i'm talking about?

You: I've been refused

Stranger: refused?

You: From an suicidal assistance

Stranger: well then they're dumb

You: I only wanted help...

Stranger: do you know why?

Stranger: it's good to want help

Stranger: i'm glad you want help

You: They toyght that i was joking

You: I don't want help anymore

Stranger: can you try a different place than that one

Stranger: why not?

You: I only want to be happy in another world

Stranger: why wouldn't you want to make yourself feel happy again?

Stranger: just one question

Stranger: i'm not gonna shove anything down your throat

You: I want to know Jesus face to face

Stranger: but do you know jesus?

You: I've been raped by a priest

Stranger: priests can be idiots

Stranger: but God isn't that way

You: When I was 8

You: That priest rapes me till 12

You: Even church hates me!

Stranger: you mean the church you go to?

Stranger: or at least went to?

You: I'm going to kill myself

Stranger: dont please

You: It's the onlu way i can stop the suffering

Stranger: it's not the only way

You: Yes

Stranger: I promise you it is not the only way

You: Thanks to try to help me but... it's decided

Stranger: but do you have a relationship with Jesus like friends

Stranger: no it's not

Stranger: please no

Stranger: let me help you!

You: Knife... neck...

You: It must be quick

Stranger: please don't

Stranger: Jesus will love you

You: Be happy kid

Stranger: do you know that you're going to see him?

Stranger: do you know?

Stranger: please answer me

You: I don't know

You: It's only hope

Stranger: I can tell you how you can know

You: Too late

You: It's decided

Stranger: you need to confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord

Stranger: and believe in your hear that God raised him from the dead

Stranger: and you will be saved

Stranger: it's a bible verse

Stranger: Romans 6:23 ithink

Stranger: please listen to me

Stranger: and please don't do this

You: Hurts

You: I've cutted my arms

Stranger: that's true

Stranger: that's how you know

You: Keyboard is full of blood

Stranger: please dont

You: Nobody will go to my funeral

Stranger: go to another place to help you

Stranger: i would, but i want you alive

Stranger: please

Stranger: don't do this

Stranger: it'll be alright

Stranger: people can have bad times in their lives

Stranger: they can get better

You: I'm seeing cloudy... must be lost blood

Stranger: and have an effect on a huge variety of people

Stranger: if you do this you will only be another number on a screen saying how many suicidals

Stranger: please don't

You: I cantt writee weeell

Stranger: Jesus loves you

Stranger: and he wants you to chill with him

Stranger: but I'm pretty sure he doesn't yet

Stranger: you're okay

Stranger: please go to a hospital

You: No

Stranger: you'll be alright

Stranger: you can make this better

You: ittss my decissionn

Stranger: you need to listen to me PLEASE!

Stranger: i know it is

You: bee happppy

Stranger: but is it the best decision you can make?

Stranger: to take your own life?

Stranger: to throw it away?

Stranger: to just give up?

Stranger: you're better than this!

You: thanksss fo r all

Stranger: I can tell by just reading what you are typing that you can do much better

Stranger: LISTEN TO ME!

Stranger: Give your self a second chance

You: yououre aa goodgirll

Stranger: You don't really want to die

Stranger: and you are even better

Stranger: please

You: I dont feell legs

Stranger: then call 911

Stranger: you will be okay

Stranger: maybe you can make friends with the doctors

You: the time haassarrived

Stranger: and get ur life on track

Stranger: they'll take you seriously this time

Stranger: i promise you that!!

Stranger: if you are for sure giving up than at least help me know where you are going...

Stranger: but please don't give up!!!

You: thks

You: lovee

Stranger: don't give up

Stranger: you are better than this

You: isee black

Stranger: JESUS LOVES YOU!!!

You: cant read

Stranger: please

You: floorfullblooodd

You: feelsscold

Stranger: don't do this

Stranger: i don't care if you can't read

Stranger: maybe you can see this

You: ivedone

Stranger: if you open ur eyes a bit

Stranger: it'll be okay

Stranger: i promise you

You: only ononee more thhingg

Stranger: I like you, does that count?

Stranger: you seem like you would be a really cool person

Stranger: yes?

You: HAHAHAHA You idiot, how can believe all this Warner Bros. novel?

Stranger: i knew u were faking near the end of it


Stranger: u would have passed out sooner than taht

You: No

Stranger: but then i thought that maybe you actually were a person searching for help, just doing it in the wrong way

You: I've killed my sister the same way

Stranger: if you'd seen black and ur blood was all out like tha

Stranger: *that

Stranger: your spelling would have been a lot worse

You: Such a bitch... she deserve it

Stranger: sooner or later your mind would have blurred to the point of not really being able to do the keyboard stuff

Stranger: no one deserves that, dude

You: She 's dead already

Stranger: unless like, they were homicidal maniacs

You: Don't care

Stranger: so i heard, but im not saying that she deserved it

You: I have sex with my mom

Stranger: that's gross dude

Stranger: but watever

Stranger: if you guys both are for it than go ahead

You: My mum blows like a pro

Stranger: cool

Stranger: glad she can bring you some happiness

Stranger: i guess

You: No

You: I rape her

You: She is chained

You: I'm really nuts?


Stranger: that's dumb dude.

Stranger: I DON'T CARE

Stranger: it's still dumb


Stranger: it doesn't matter if i like to eat paper and lick trees


Stranger: that would still make me weird


Stranger: yeah okay


Stranger: wow this sounds like a bad porn story.



Stranger: yeah okay


Stranger: no


Stranger: yep

Stranger: used to watch porn a lot actually


Stranger: nope


Stranger: yeah i don't want to suck yours

Stranger: maybe if it was a guy i really loved

Stranger: hey man i gotta go





Stranger: yeah i know there are

Stranger: i'm careful

Stranger: and i know my way around the interwebz

Stranger: alright later man


Stranger: yep a

Stranger: adios

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Viernes 29/01/2010, 02:30:09
14045 Posts - 0 Puntos
son muy largas tus conversaciones, ni en pedo las leo

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Ask me any three questions and I'll answer honestly. Promise!
You: llegaron los borrachos del tabloon, llego la hinchada, esa hinchada que grita y que alienta sin parar, vamos river vamos a ganar
Stranger: oh wait.
Stranger: hmm...
Stranger: i dont think high school spanish is going to help
Stranger: lets go to win
Stranger: is the last bit
You: is a river song (they're gay)
Stranger: ok.
Stranger: want to ask me anything?
You: are you the king of the mini-super?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Viernes 29/01/2010, 02:41:54
585 Posts - 291 Puntos
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: u.u

Stranger: HI.

You: yes, hi...

Stranger: what is your name

You: "hi"

You: im chinese

You: my name is HI

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: Que?

Stranger: que?

You: Hitachi?

Stranger: toshiba

You: Racing

Stranger: running

You: Petero

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey ho

You: ho ho ho

You: merry xmas

Stranger: messy xmas

You: pussy xmas

Stranger: cheery new year

You: slutty new year

Stranger: so far not it hasnt been

You: que cagada

Stranger: were u form?

You: wanna masturbate me?

Stranger: depends, how far away are u and are u female and are u over 16?

You: where are you from?

Stranger: uk

You: kc

You: Rooney gay

Stranger: were kc?


Stranger: niet

Stranger: j'n' pas

You: yvan et nioj

Stranger: regit et amius

You: abar ajame eltrozo

Stranger: adieamus plour foster

You: aldeanas cojen faster

Stranger: i said a hip hop the hippie the hippie
to the hip hip hop, a you dont stop
the rock it to the bang bang boogie say up jumped the boogie
to the rhythm of the boogie, the beat

You: chupamela con cariño
Viernes 29/01/2010, 03:06:43
412 Posts - 0 Puntos
Che, por qué cuando trato de hablar en serio me aburro demasiado y quiero cerrar la ventana al toque?
Viernes 29/01/2010, 03:16:58
5605 Posts - 0 Puntos
Stranger: m/f?

You: puto el que lee

Stranger: fuck you
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Viernes 29/01/2010, 03:18:16
412 Posts - 0 Puntos
Ahora estoy hablando con el sobrino del dueño de Universal Studios, y le pedí que le muestre un par de temas míos al tío así me hago famoso.

No sé quién está mas al pedo, si el chabón o yo
Viernes 29/01/2010, 03:24:56
5532 Posts - 463 Puntos
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi

You: are you know

Stranger: hi

You: consigliere?

You: is a yeta

Stranger: ...

You: of the foro

Stranger: surah 9:29

You: asl?

You: yes

Stranger: the sahih bukhari

You: he is

Stranger: the sahih muslim

Stranger: al bu dawood

You: habla bien la concha de tu madre

You: where are you from?

Stranger: chinge su madre

Stranger: mariconazo

You: yvan eht nioj

Stranger: hijo de la gran puta madre

You: jajaja gallego trolo

Stranger: no se espanol

You: mira mira mira, sacale una foto mira como quedaron con el culo roto

Stranger: de donde eres?

You: (paranoid)

You: Conoces la concha de tu madre

You: bueno

You: a la vuelta

You: vos?

Stranger: i dont speak spanish very well

Stranger: where are you from?

You: ohh ya me di cuenta

You: Argentina

You: you?

Stranger: california

Stranger: manu ginobli is from argentina

You: ehhh seee

You: i like the soccer

You: you like?

Stranger: nope

You: ohh

Stranger: aburrudo

You: aburrido?

Stranger: boring

Stranger: ?

You: me parece que sos medio estupido

You: yo soy hincha del mejor equipo del mundo

Stranger: =o

You: del Wachipato de paraguay

You: (paranoid=

You: )

Stranger: cool

You: yes

Stranger: what did you say?

Stranger: i didnt understand

You: he is BIG

Stranger: who?

You: no se conoce mucho porque los putos de europa lo tapan

You: Wachipato

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Por favor ignoren mi ingles horroroso jajaja XD
Viernes 29/01/2010, 03:32:00
5605 Posts - 0 Puntos
increible un/a mexican@ me dejo colgado en la conversacion

Stranger: GGS!!

You: puto el que lee

Stranger: GGS!

You: puto el que lee

Stranger: GGS!!

Stranger: !!!!!

You: puto el que lee

Stranger: tu

Stranger: xD

You: puto el que lee

Stranger: los robot nomas saben decir eso aww pobechitos

You: consigliere

Stranger: nani??

You: roberto?

You: o mariana?

Stranger: kokoro chirari??

You: wtf?

Stranger: 0.0

You: 1 te gane

Stranger: doble tee eff

Stranger: NO yoo

You: de donde sos?

Stranger: vivo o nací?

You: vivis

You: o estas muerto? y esto se conecta con el mas alla?

Stranger: D:

Stranger: mali :(

Stranger: malo*

Stranger: un amigo me dijo que viniera aqui :3

Stranger: nose que es

You: damian?

Stranger: ??

You: si tu amigo se llama damian

Stranger: se llama Aruba

Stranger: lo quiero mucho :3

You: aaaa mira vos, yo tengo un amigo que se llama francia

Stranger: O:

Stranger: :( no es broma

Stranger: es su apodo

You: de donde sos?

Stranger: asi lo llamo :3

Stranger: de mexico

You: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Stranger: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

You: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Stranger: ooooooooooooo

Stranger: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Stranger: te gane

You: ¬¬

You: hombre o mujer?

Stranger: llora

Stranger: D:

Stranger: regreso en un momento
Viernes 29/01/2010, 03:36:07
1190 Posts - 2 Puntos
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hola, conchudo
You: como estás?
Stranger: nada. sorry i don't know much espanol.
You: not import
You: als
Stranger: 17/m/tx
You: tx is texas?
Stranger: yeah
You: ok
Stranger: you?
You: 19/f/Ar
Stranger: cool
You: texas is a state of yankeelandia, right?
Stranger: yeah i believe so
You: jaja
You: you are famous for your dirt
You: are you a farmer?
Stranger: lol no i'm a city boy
You: do you know independiente de avellaneda?
Stranger: ???
You: Independiente de Avellaneda
You: its like Magic The Gathering
You: or Turbo Lover, of Judas Priest
Stranger: ahh a card game?
You: da
You: yes
You: know Judas Priest?
Stranger: lol i don't think i've heard of that one
Stranger: i've heard of judas priest
You: its a heavy metal band
You: like Manowar
You: Manowar is a best band of the world
You: say yes
You: or die
Stranger: lol i've heard of Manowar but haven't heard their music. i'll look it up
You: what type of music you heard?
You: folk¡?
Stranger: anything and everything
Stranger: lol i'm not from texas
You: aahhh¡¡¡
You: w are you from?
You: im Argentina
You: like Maradona, Pele and Carlitos Tevez-Gardel
Stranger: kansas a few states away. lol
You: yes
Stranger: so you live over seas?
You: yes
You: 100 meters
You: at 100 meters of sea
Stranger: cool you got a facebook?
You: and is summer now¡¡
You: no
You: i dont like facebook
You: i have msn
Stranger: lol
Stranger: i have that
You: [email][email protected][/email]
Stranger: [email][email protected][/email] (very old had it since i was little)
You: ok
You: add me
You: Dragon Negro de La Muerte
You: its a casilla pelotuda.
You: sorry mi english, pajerou
Stranger: it's cool i understand
You: zorrilla my english
You: you dont speak spanish??
You: nothing?
Stranger: i'm taking spanish
You: si?
You: perfecto
You: entonces hablemos en español, pelmazo
You: me estas entendiendo?
You: do you understandme??
Stranger: a few of those. not entonces, pelmazo or entendiendo
You: entendiendo = undertanding me
You: pelmazo = mmhhh
You: boy
You: yes
You: Estudio en la Academia Chipi Barijho
You: Tu estudias?
Viernes 29/01/2010, 03:38:24
5532 Posts - 463 Puntos
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hola, conchudo
You: como estás?
Stranger: nada. sorry i don't know much espanol.
You: not import
You: als
Stranger: 17/m/tx
You: tx is texas?
Stranger: yeah
You: ok
Stranger: you?
You: 19/f/Ar
Stranger: cool
You: texas is a state of yankeelandia, right?
Stranger: yeah i believe so
You: jaja
You: you are famous for your dirt
You: are you a farmer?
Stranger: lol no i'm a city boy
You: do you know independiente de avellaneda?
Stranger: ???
You: Independiente de Avellaneda
You: its like Magic The Gathering
You: or Turbo Lover, of Judas Priest
Stranger: ahh a card game?
You: da
You: yes
You: know Judas Priest?
Stranger: lol i don't think i've heard of that one
Stranger: i've heard of judas priest
You: its a heavy metal band
You: like Manowar
You: Manowar is a best band of the world
You: say yes
You: or die
Stranger: lol i've heard of Manowar but haven't heard their music. i'll look it up
You: what type of music you heard?
You: folk¡?
Stranger: anything and everything
Stranger: lol i'm not from texas
You: aahhh¡¡¡
You: w are you from?
You: im Argentina
You: like Maradona, Pele and Carlitos Tevez-Gardel
Stranger: kansas a few states away. lol
You: yes
Stranger: so you live over seas?
You: yes
You: 100 meters
You: at 100 meters of sea
Stranger: cool you got a facebook?
You: and is summer now¡¡
You: no
You: i dont like facebook
You: i have msn
Stranger: lol
Stranger: i have that
You: [EMAIL="[email protected]"][email protected][/EMAIL]
Stranger: [EMAIL="[email protected]"][email protected][/EMAIL] (very old had it since i was little)
You: ok
You: add me
You: Dragon Negro de La Muerte
You: its a casilla pelotuda.
You: sorry mi english, pajerou
Stranger: it's cool i understand
You: zorrilla my english
You: you dont speak spanish??
You: nothing?
Stranger: i'm taking spanish
You: si?
You: perfecto
You: entonces hablemos en español, pelmazo
You: me estas entendiendo?
You: do you understandme??
Stranger: a few of those. not entonces, pelmazo or entendiendo
You: entendiendo = undertanding me
You: pelmazo = mmhhh
You: boy
You: yes
You: Estudio en la Academia Chipi Barijho
You: Tu estudias?

Viernes 29/01/2010, 03:43:14
5605 Posts - 0 Puntos
la mexicana me mando a dormir :S
Viernes 29/01/2010, 03:44:40
12714 Posts - 10 Puntos
Creo que esta pagina de mierda me hizo cambiar el JAJA por el HAHA la puta madre me yankizaron