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Sábado 07/10/2017, 18:02:10
2 Posts - 0 Puntos
Written by NEMP

Yesterday I saw in America the program of Novaressio in which he and a famous dresses in suits and clothes of brand toasted with champagne and wine so that "there are no more poor children in Argetina"

It is a joke no? And in bad taste.

Today I see how they accuse Maldonado's brother of having a violent speech ... chabon killed the brother, you're fucking me ??? I get to pass that and I set fire to the country and when the ashes remain the meo.

What I'm going to do is that 90% of the people I know are in favor of these statements.

And I say, at what point does he gain logic? Because we like the right so much, it's because of fear? Insecurity? Ignorance or custom?

I am in a position in which I consider both cfk and macri as right-wing governments.

So the question goes to the large percentage that votes them.